Is the new owner prepared?

Before you do anything, make sure that any potential new fish keeper is aware of the needs and costs of the fish. When they arrive to pick up the fish, double-check that the water temperature in the transportation facility is the same as the tank they came from and are going into.

Are the fish happy and healthy?

Before offering to rehome your fish, make sure they are happy and healthy, free of infections or diseases, and be open about any previous health difficulties. It's a good idea to inform any potential owners about the fees in case something goes wrong; a specialist fish vet can be costly.

Transporting the fish to their new home.

Never offer to transfer your fish via mail or courier; instead, make sure the new owner comes to pick it up. This will guarantee the fish has a stress-free journey to its new home.

Are you happy with the new owner?

Just because someone looks at your fish doesn't mean you have to give it to them; if you don't trust the individual is the right person, simply say no.