Loot is committed to keeping the community secure for all our users. We will not allow users to sell any item/service that is unlawful or dangerous. Certain things are also prohibited at the request of our community. If we believe you have posted a prohibited item, we will either ask you to delete it or remove it ourselves.

In alphabetical order, the following items are not permitted to be advertised on

Adult only Movies, adult sexual toys, or erotic items


Animal parts Ivory and protected species [includes taxidermy]

Body parts [human] including sperm, eggs, organs, blood and donor/surrogacy services

Botox and Fillers any related equipment

Capital Bonds

Cigarettes & cigars including e- products

Counterfeit items music, films [video & DVD’s], computer games, money, replica branded clothing

Dangerous Chemicals and dangerous chemical related products

Drugs recreational or prescription drugs inc Diet Pills and Cannabis related products 

Digital items e-books/tickets, online accounts, virtual merchandise & currencies, vouchers & gift cards

Firearms including ammunition and equipment

Fireworks [all]

Gambling machines

Gas meter seals

Hate organisations [all] & items that promote hate

Knives & Weapons including chef and kitchen knives

Lottery tickets

Mailing lists and related tools to send spam

Massage services [adult]

Nazi memorabilia

Non-transferable passes, permits and tickets

PPE of a medical grade inc. Covid Rapid tests and Similar 

Red diesel

Second-hand under garments

Stolen goods

Supplements that contain DMAA

Unlocked hardware and software and software used for unlocking

Votes this is an illegal act

*NOTE: The list above is inclusive but not exhaustive and Loot has the right to delete any ad that we believe is inappropriate, at any time without the user’s permission.